About Us

Founded in 2006, in Rochester, New York, Ordnance.com has grown to be the nation’s largest supplier of inert explosive ordnance, artillery, and related military surplus. In 2007, we closed operations in New York state, and relocated our inventory to our new facilities in Paris, Tennessee.

For close to 20 years, we have worked hard searching the country and acquiring truckloads of materiel from various sources. In doing so, Ordnance.com has created a completely unique inventory that is not duplicated by any other private company in the United States. Most of our inventory has come from purchasing the inventories of other companies and museums that have ceased operations for one reason or another. These inventories were originally purchased back in the 1950s through the 1990s, directly from the US Government, in surplus Department of Defense sales or demilitarized and sold by the government as scrap metals. Virtually all of these items were sold by the government back during the “golden age” of military surplus sales, when the government would actually auction to the highest bidder and sell this type of materiel directly to the general public in huge lots.

Unfortunately, this bygone era came to an end around the turn of the last century, specifically relating to the events that took place on 9/11/01. Since that time, the government now focuses on the complete destruction of this type of material.

Here at Ordnance.com, our number one goal has always been, and will continue to be, the preservation of U.S. military history through the restoration and sale of historical artifacts. The endpoint of our restorations result in artifacts that stimulate the imagination, and through their presence, honor the veterans that used them in the defense of this greatest country, while allowing future generations to be educated on their sacrifices.

These artifacts are the catalyst that ensures their stories are continued to be told, and their memories honored. We do not glorify war, we glorify the veterans who fought the wars, their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice, as well as the concept of belonging to something greater than one’s self.      

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